Our services

Customized search

Our main service is to find the property you request to us. We will search in all the available market (agencies, internet, newspapers, individual sellers,…)  and propose to us only the most suitable properties, according your criteria.


Personal advise

We will advise you in all your concerns during the mission: prices level, “prime areas”, administrative procedures, investment for renting or living, negociation …

Renovation works

New flat or old one? Don’t worry, we can assess you in the renovation costs with professionals, before you decide.

See some more services

What else we provide?

Notary & Lawyer

We used to work with same Notaries in all our missions. High level of confidence and english spoken are necessary to get a strong relationship of trust for you.

If you need to get the advice from a Lawyer in some concrete points (fiscal,…), we will provide to you the necessary contacts.


We can help you in your procedure with spanish Banks (in case of money transfer from your bank based in your residence country to another bank located in Spain, or if you look for property loan conditions in Spain, …).


What is the current situation of the property in the cadastral map/registry? Is-there any charges or expenses pending to be paid by the seller? We will help you to clarify all this questions.


First, a private contract used to be signed between seller and buyer (called “Contrato de Arras”).

Finally, buyer and seller will sign the final contract (“Escritura de Compra/Venta”), with the presence of the Notary.

We will support you to review the terms and conditions of the different contracts, with the help of Notary or Lawyer if needed.

Do you want to…

Take a coffee and discuss about your project?

...or maybe see some Facts about us?


Maribel MOYA

CEO Espainversion Property Hunter
+34 617 606 726
Barcelona House Price (€/m2)
Price increase during 2023 (%)
Barcelona Rental Price (€/m2)
Rental price increase during 2023 (%)

What our clients say

Thanks to Espainversion, I can find the perfect place to start my business. A special point to underline was the help Espainversion provide to me to get a loan from the Banks. Thanks again!

Miss C. (Japan)

Gracias a la ayuda de Espainversion, he podido cambiar de piso de alquiler en una mejor zona de Barcelona. Sobretodo sin perder tiempo en visitar decenas de pisos !

Miss N. (Spain)

Merci à Espainversion pour le support lors de la recherche bien sûr, mais aussi lors de la préparation de l’acte d’achat/vente avec le Notaire. Confiance et professionalisme!

Mister J. (France)

About us

The idea to create Espainversion Property Hunter was born in 2008, after 10 years working in Barcelona in the Real State market.

When you work in a Real Estate Agency, you are paid by the seller (who provide the real state to be sold). The objective is to to sell real estates included in the portfolio. Not to ensure that the buyer's requests are fulfilled.

With Espainversion Property Hunter, we wanted to change the way to do: we will be paid by the buyer. So, we will focus in searching only what the buyer requests to us.

Looking for real estates in all the market requests a lot of time and during a long period of time. We save time for our customer, and we find more opportunity to get better prices.

To find the most suitable real estate at the better price according our customer requirements: that's our target.

That's our difference.